donno wat to do..
.....Watttt a Meeessyyyy....
At lastt..i stil clean it up!!And I took about 3 'n' half hours to clean it..

....Watt a Cleeaannnn....
After clean up everything..
then i receive my schoolmate SMS n asking me out for 'yam cha'
after I read that msg I was feel very tiring and wanna reject for it...
But at the same time I think that since she were back in Malacca,,
and the others were free
Y not jus hang around with them for a few hours!!
so I just replied her..Yes m going..
Bout 7:10pm I start my journey to the More Cafe which toook about 20minutes to there..
when I reached..(*EYE BIG*)
Ooooo gosh!!! Everyone is changing...Haha..
Me,Chiew Hui,Joey,Chiau Hui
Hahaa,,we do chat alot bout schooling times story...
gossip bout ppl!!! talk bad bout ppl!!!
When we were boring to gossip..
then we played 'build build lego'...
till we so suprise that build HIGH
about 10:45pm...
we going back home..
cuz the next day need to work!!
M gonna miss U my babeess..
...Yeah this is My Oooff Daay...
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